Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


   Theory of Language
According to Benjamin Whorf (1956:158) concepts of time “time” and “matter” aren’t given in substantially the same from by experience to all men but depend upon the nature of the language or languages through the use of which they have been developed.
According to Benjamin Whorf (1956:153) Newtonian space, time, and matter are not intuitions. They are receipts from culture and language.
According to Edward Sapir (1929) language is a guide to ‘social reality’. Though language is not ordinarily thought of as of essential interest to the students of social science, it powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and process.
FB Condillac, a French philosopher states that language comes from screaming and body gesture that having the character of instinct awakened by strong emotion or feeling. Later; the screaming is become the sound having a meaning.
According to Chaer (1995) Language is a tool of social interaction, its means the tool for delivering mind, idea, concept, or also feeling. In this case, Wardaugh (1972) a expert of sociolinguistic also say that the language function is a tools of human communication, either spoken or written communication.
According to Eric Lenneberg (1964) many evidences which show that human being accept the inheritance of biology original in communication skill bu using special language for the human and there is no relationship with intelligence.
According to Dr. Thomas Crook, after of testing of sensory perception that man has weak memory, its means they don’t have sharp memory than woman’s memory. The women have more remembering detail, association, and they private experience than men’s does.
Medically, according to Sidharta (1984) language disorder can be divided to three factors, there are
1.                  Spoken disorder
2.                  Language disorder
3.                  Thought disorder
Theory of Dyslexia
The World Federation of Neurology defined dyslexia as follows: ''Specific developmental dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and adequate socio cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities that are frequently of constitutional origin.''
According to Yusuf, M (2003), Student which have learning disabilities is student which find difficulties in special academic task and public manifestly, either it is caused by neurological dysfunction, psychological basic process or and also other factor so that her/his study performance is low and the student has a high risk that to omit the class.
According to the Research of John Bradford ( 1999) in America, he find the indication, that 80 percentage from the whole of subject which is accurate by institute that has history or background family who has learning disabilities, and 60% among other background family have the left handed.
According to Selikowitz (1993), states the main cause of dyslexia. Selikowitz divide two cause circumstances generally, they are genetic factor and environmental factor. Genetic factor is by heredity.  
According to Chief of Indonesia Dyslexia Association, Dr. Kristiantini Goddess, Spa, cause of dyslexia is trouble in the left hemisphere that is usually used to read.
According to Dehaene (2009) dyslexia is impairment at the word processing level rather than, as was previously thought, a anomaly in eye movements or inappropriate use of sentence context. Further, the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and the National Institutes of Health stated in 2003 that Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by poor spelling and decoding abilities.
The International Dyslexia Association in 2003 describes dyslexia as: "A neurologically based, often familial disorder which interferes with the acquisition and processing of language. Varying in degrees of severity, it is manifested by difficulties in receptive and expressive language - including phonological processing-in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and sometimes in arithmetic. Dyslexia is not a result of lack of motivation, sensory impairment, inadequate instructional or environmental opportunities, or other limiting conditions, but may occur together with these conditions. Although dyslexia is lifelong, individuals with dyslexia frequently respond successfully to timely and appropriate intervention."
Castles and Coltheart, 1993, described phonological and surface types of developmental dyslexia by analogy to classical subtypes of acquired dyslexia (alexia) which are classified according to the rate of errors in reading non-words. 
 Language process is started by semantics encode, gramatics encode, and phonology encode. Semantics encode, gramatics encode take place in brain, while phonology encode is started from brain then continued by tool of speaking which is entangling of neuromuscular,  speak from red lane muscle, tongue muscle, lip muscle, mouth, roof, nasal cavity, sound track and lung. In consequence can be said that language is produce process of thought and feeling from brain orally, in the words and sentence
Normal human of brain function, of course they have good language, but they who have brain dysfunction and speech organ, of course have the difficulty either in productive or receptive. Then, their speech ability is disturbed.
   Language and Brain
Imagine that you are in the restaurant and there are many foods that you want. Someone allows you to eat the food. Imagine that the foods were delicious in your tongue. In that statement which hand will you use to eat, and how you can you taste the foods in your tongue? Of course to answer it will use the brain, its structure and function.
The general structure of the brain is that of a whole which is divided into two halves of the brain seems to serve rather different purposes. The human brain consists of two hemispheres, on the right (right hemisphere) and on the left (left hemisphere), which are interlinked by a dense web of millions of nerves called the corpus callosum. The human brain is contralateral. This means that very broadly, the left hemisphere controls on the right side of the body and vice versa. The left hemisphere tends to be larger than the right.  And all the part of hemisphere has important function to involve the language.     
The brain controls the body by a division of labour, so to speak. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, including the right hand, the right arm, and the right side of the face, while the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. 
  What is dyslexia
Learning difficulties are formulated as learning difficulties specifically at the first time. In 1878 Dr. Kussmaul from Germany, reports the existence of a boy having normal intelligence but cannot read, what its term as “reading blindness”. Nine year later, Dr Berlin who names that condition by dyslexia. Dyslexia (English: dyslexia) is a condition of learning disability at somebody which is caused of difficulty of that people in reading and writing. Dyslexia comes from Greek δυς- dys- letter" or ("difficulty to ") dan λέξις lexis ("letter" or "leksixal"). In other words, dyslexia means difficulties in processing the word.
Reading difficulties in children of dyslexia disproportionately either intelligence degree or motivation which is had for   reading ability fluency and accuracy, because children of dyslexia usually has the normal intelegancy. Dyslexia represent neurobiological disorder which is marked by recognizing the difficult word correctly / accurate, in spelling and in coding symbol ability.
And the other philologist also defined that  dyslexia as a condition of input process / different information from normal children  that is  often marked by reading difficulties, which can influence the way of cognition  such as  recall, input process rapidity, time arrangement ability, co-ordinate aspect and motion control. It can be happened by the visual difficulty and phonological, and usually there is difference ability in various development aspects.
 According to Jovita Maria Ferliana (in introduction of Living with Dyslexia, 2007), in fact, dyslexia’s patient found the difficulties to differentiate the phonetic sound in compiling a word. They can catch the words by their ears. But, when they have to write down it with the whichever letter. Thereby, they also have the difficulty in their writing what they wish into accurate length sentence. 
In order to understand dyslexia, we need to know a little about normal reading process. One theory has it that we use two distinct routes in reading. The lexical route, especially important with special system like the English one, involves recognizing words as a whole. That is the only way that a reader can master irregular words such as yacht. But we also need a second, sublexical, route if we are to work out how to say unfamiliar word, for example, names that we have not met before or words that we have only ever heard spoken. This routes enables the reader to use sound-spelling notes to work out how the pronunciation of a word from its letters. In this way, you could work out how to say non-words such as swilk or glect.
 When dyslexics are tested, somehow difficulties in working out how to pronounce non-words. The problem may derive from their inability to divide words in to their constituent sounds: for example, to say which words is left when we take /s/ out of /best/. This group is said to suffer from phonological dyslexia; as we have seen, difficulties in distinguishing sounds can affect their writing too.
Others can pronounce non-words but find it hard to recognize words like gauge or yacht which are irregular. They might also pronounce a word like pint with mint and hint. This group is said to suffer surface dyslexia. It is these dyslexics who may have problems to remembering the forms of words when they come to write. Their phonological knowledge is often sound, so they might try to spell words as they are said: they might write except as iksept.
 Besides that, there is also another type of dyslexia; they are alexia, which involves disorder in reading, and agraphia, which involves disorders in writing. One may be afflicted by both conditions at the same time, in which case the person is unable to either read or write properly. In pure agraphia, there is a total loss of the ability to write, even though the hand can be used skillfully for other purposes. Thus, for example a person who has had a left hemisphere stroke may be able to read the simple sentences “How are you? And yet be unable to write it. Also, some may be unable to read a phrase yet be quite able to write it as dictation. That condition is termed alexia without agraphia.
The Daily Executor Chief of Dyslexia Association of Indonesia, dr Kristiantini Dewi, Sp A, explains that dyslexia include to two kinds, there are developmental dyslexia and acquired dyslexia.
Developmental Dyslexia is disorder because of genetic factor. It is innate from the born. Dyslexia’s this factor will take this disorder along their life or irremediable. In Kristiantini’s research, dyslexia around 70% have been coming from genetic factor, and 30% comes from the other factors except genetics till now it haven’t known yet what is the factors.  Acquired dyslexia is can be caused of injure the brain left side, and it become dyslexia 
It is difficult to obtain a certain diagnosis of dyslexia before a child begins school, but many there are different from normal child that be seen, such as:
Pre-school age children
  • Learns new words slowly
  • Has difficulty rhyming words, as in nursery rhymes
  • Low letter knowledge
  • Letter reversal, ex: e b f p (normal)
Early primary school-age children:
  • Difficulty learning the alphabet or in order
  • Difficulty with associating sounds with the letters that represent them (sound-symbol correspondence)
  • Difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, or counting syllables in words (phonological awareness)
  • Difficulty segmenting words into individual sounds, or blending sounds to make words (phonemic awareness)
  • Difficulty with word retrieval or naming problems
  • Difficulty learning to decode words
  • Difficulty distinguishing between similar sounds in words; mixing up sounds in multisyllable words (auditory discrimination) (for example, "aminal" for animal, "bisghetti" for spaghetti)
Older primary school children:
  • Slow or inaccurate reading, although these individuals can read to an extent.
  • Very poor spelling
  • Difficulty reading out loud, reads word in the wrong order, skips words and sometimes says a word similar to another word
  • Difficulty associating individual words with their correct meanings
  • Difficulty with time keeping and concept of time, when doing certain task
  • Difficulty with organization skills
  • Due to fear of speaking incorrectly, some children become withdrawn and shy or become bullies out of their inability to understand the social cues in their environment
  • Difficulty comprehending rapid instructions, following more than one command at a time or remembering the sequence of things
  • Children with dyslexia may fail to see (and occasionally to hear) similarities and differences in letters and words, may not recognize the spacing that organizes letters into separate words, and may be unable to sound out the pronunciation of an unfamiliar word.
One major misconceptions of dyslexia is writing words backwards or letters move when reading. These are the example of misconception in their spelling or reading. Such as:  “what” be “want”, “say” be “saw”, “help” be “held”, “ run” be “fun”, “fell” be “fall”, “ to” be “too”, "left" be "felt", "band" be "brand", etc.
Disabled of dyslexia usually have problems, such as:
1.      Phonology’s problem. It means correlation systematic between letter and sound. For example they find difficulties to differentiate the "daddy" with the “baddy" or ”paku” with ”palu” in Indonesia; or they wrong to comprehend the words which have the similarity of sound, for example "fifty" with” fifteen". This difficulty is not caused by a hearing problem, but it related to input processing in brain.
2.      Problem to remember the word. Mostly disabled children of dyslexia have the normal level intellegence or above normal. But, they have the difficulty remember the word. They difficult to possible mention their friends name and chosen to call her or his name with the term” my friend at school" or” my friend which that men". And they possible can explain a story, but they can’t remember the answer for the simple question.
3.      Compilation systematic or in a series’ problem. Disabled children of dyslexia find the difficulties to compile something alternately for example formation month in a year, day in a week, or formation of letter and number. They often “forget " their planned activity formation previously, for example forgetting whether/what after they back home from school, they forget to go home exactly or to football practice. Even their parents have reminded.
4.      Concentrations’ problem. Disabled children of dyslexia have problem in organization. They tend to spasmodic. For example, use the shoes but they use the socks.
    Study cases
Novel of “Summer breeze”, the author Orizuka. It tells about Ares who has dyslexia. This is the good novel. People would know from this novel how that disabled of dyslexia, moreover no one know from the closest family that he/she has dyslexia.
Ares, in this story has dyslexia which is no one know about his disease. His father says that Ares is the foolish child who is can’t make the parents proud of him. It’s different character with his brother, Orion who always becomes proud of the parents. Either be the first rank or be captain in basket player which always be persona grata.
Ares and Orion are twins. But only Ares who has dyslexia, it doesn’t tell the cause of that disease. Neither from genetic factor which called developmental dyslexia or acquired dyslexia. But in this story is explained the Ares’ characteristic who has that disease
They are, when Ares, Orion, and Reina. . Reina is a girl who is they like.  They write the request at a leaf of paper then Reina puts the three paper sheet into a can which is such a heart form. Then, Reina entomb that can under a tree in their garden. Reina make the agreement to dig and open the can for next ten years.
When that paper is opened, Ares writes that " Ares uma pegi di bupan ibu apa“ it means that Ares wants to go to Dufan with his parents. He wants to go there because when he was child he might not go to Dufan before he cn finish his reading that is given by his father.
Ares is often made angry and slapped by his father because he cannot give or make pride for the family. And according by his father, he only the troublous.  And he is always differentiated between Ares and Orion. When they were birthday, just Orion is given a present by their father. Reina comes to Indonesia from America is the present, but her coming only to meet Ares.
Ares is ill tempered person, its different character by Orion. Thus, Orion is more popular than him. But their mother know that Ares is a kind person. And it happened when Ares held a brief for his brother, Orion who is belted by their friends who are unlike with Orion.  And Ares helps him till he is injured off.
 Ares takes the English literature and he is always trifled by his lecturer, because of his incapable of reading or learning.
This story has sad ending revolution. The story which is made sad when his family know that Ares has dyslexia when he died.  No one known even from his family. When he knew that he had dyslexia, he never gives up to reach his future be the pilot. Orion gets the recommendation letter of flight school in Ares’ room. In fact, Ares has tried best to read although he has to often vomit after reading. By that fact, his father is very penitent what he has done. And he doesn’t know that he has disease, it makes very penitent  of Ares.
In other case, Aigis, girl who is dyslexia’s never able to memorize the alphabet, from A to Z. it is caused of she is dyslexia’s.
When she was in Elementary school, she had difficult to do something, such as:
1.      She can’t differentiate between “b” and “d” and often upend in writing it.
2.      She often gets misquotation in writing even she sits in front of the class.
3.      She never success in drawing cube to trapezoid.
4.      She never can memorize multiplication or division.

Because of that condition, she was shy of teacher and her friends. She got the difficult to strengthen herself to them. She has ever got 44 ranks among 44 students. But she makes a profit that her parents exactly know with their daughter’s problem. And they require the special handling. She was moved to special school and, she was able to study with that is conducive situation. And now, Aigis gets most amazing achievement is getting high score in typing of blind system.
The treatment of dyslexia’s
Dyslexia’s or people who has language disorder have to give the treatment, because they are a person who have a special requirement. Dyslexia can groan to all age from child till adult.
From the study cases above, we can differentiate between the first case and the second case in their handling. In the first case, dyslexia’s lives lonely, it means no support from their family even his parents, because the parents do not sensitive to his self. They only judge that his child is a foolish child. While in second case, dyslexia’s lives with her parents support. Then her language disorder can be healed.  Then, dyslexia’s have to be supported so that they don’t feel shy of their lack of their selves. These are the handling of dyslexia’s:
1.      Always give the support of child. Owning dyslexia or learning disabilities can make the child give up or inferiority.  Always give support & love to support every their ability.
2.      Talking with child. Give the explanation or understanding about dyslexia, which is not a mistake. By helping their comprehension that will be easier to keep it down.
3.      Make the house circumstance become the place learn easy for the child. Provide the silent room to be nice and comfortable place for her/his learning.  Giving the support from family member to assist the process learn.
 Dyslexia as a condition of input process / different information from normal children  that is  often marked by reading difficulties, which can influence the way of cognition  such as  recall, input process rapidity, time arrangement ability, co-ordinate aspect and motion control. It can be happened by the visual difficulty and phonological, and usually there is difference ability in various development aspects. Many types of dyslexia, there are agraphia and alexia. The causes of dyslexia can be genetic factor or environment factor.
Dyslexia’s must to be the support from the family or close friend, because he/she will have inferiority. Many support to dyslexia’s as they language disorder can be healed.  But, the support from parents is the important thing to be healed of dyslexia's. From two cases above can be known how the criteria of dyslexia’s.


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